The Danger of Block Chain

People need to wake up and smell the napalm. We are being collectively herded into a ‘total control’ type situation. This applies even more to those of you who are unfortunate enough to live in a city. What does ‘city’ rhyme with? Sh*tty! I lived in a city for a few years, and it was indeed sh*tty. Sure, there were some perks like being able to walk most anywhere (while having to dodge cars that were ready willing and able to mow us down when using a cross walk! I never had that problem when jaywalking, but of course the cops will ticket you if you do that….). Some girl I worked with got her foot run over and the driver yelled at her to get out of the way!

Who could forget the wonderful feeling of having the house broken into (and the SUPREME insult of having your closet opened and NO clothes stolen!)? Oh, and the losers who had fun shooting off fireworks at 2 AM. Ah, and the trip down memory lane wouldn’t be complete without reminiscing about the drunk boyfriend of a neighbor who would let their dog off the leash at 3 AM (after the fireworks were over with) and start screaming “WINNIE! WINNIE! GET YER ***** BACK HERE” over and over again.  Oh, and lest I forget, trudging to work and the wonderful smell of pollution every day, mmmmmm…..diesel exhaust….inhale deeply of the wonderful morning misty stench of incinerating medical waste wafting from the university hospital…..aaaaaahhhhhh.

Anyway people, I just read about this horror of horrors called block chain. It’s being touted as super duper safe and un-hackable way to keep data safe. Safe. That’s the buzzword. And it stings too. The truth about it is, it’s really a CHAIN. Like as in chain around YOU. They’re putting them in Porsches right now, using the lies/guise of ‘safety’ and ‘convenience’ to con those innocent, trusting souls out there who have a myopic vision of the future.

Safety is a padded cell. Convenience is a signpost pointing the way to hell.  All of you who are actually wanting to BUY this CRAP are the ones who are helping to sell our souls into the ‘chains’ of tyranny and total control. Stop buying this junk! That is one of the FASTEST ways to stop this automated world of pure control and HELL the Council and other elites want to foist on you and your children.

Look beyond the perky language and slick slogans they’re generating from ad companies. Look at reality! If all this automated car crap is stuck on us, and they want it to be, because they want to control you and everyone else on the planet, it will destroy freedoms completely. Don’t forget the “mark of the Beast”, (Revelation 13:16-18) this isn’t a fairy tale. This is bitcoin (or as I like to call it- sh*t coin) and digital currency. It’s going ‘cashless’ and along with it brainless because you won’t have to worry about counting real money (sure it’s paper but still it’s more secure than online banking!). And you’ll end up spending more, plunging into the pit of debt.

Just search about online via  (please stop using Google since they’re part of the program too, same with amazon and fartbook and all these ‘popular’ social media lunk head sites. Do you really think they became popular by accident or just because of the ‘talent’ behind them? Nooooooooo!) For the real truth and if you can handle it I suggest you read Juri Lina’s brilliant analysis of it (and also Henry Makow’s site, “Architects of Deception”. The book that has been banned in countries is called “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” is another good one. It’s relevant for today’s society because they have implemented most of the things that have been written in that book already, even though it was written in the early 20th century. I recommend visiting Dr. Makow’s website, it’s really informative. And, as far as I can tell it’s not the controlled “alt-media”.

So to sum up, stop online banking, stop buying ‘smart’ cars or going for anything ‘smart’, because it’s just going to make you STUPIDER (yes I know “stupider” is not a word, it’s my attempt at making a funny).
Start using cash, checks and go INTO stores, stop shopping online all the time. Patronize small businesses that are not global behemoths like Amazon and Whole Foods (who donated money to stop the GMO labeling laws in California while at the same time giving lip service to wanting to sell ‘organics’), oh that’s right Whole foods just got bought by Amazon. Whoops. Also avoid Wally world like the plague it is, they’re the ones who started the blizzard of cheap Chinese crap being sold in the USA and undermined manufacturing. Plus they treat their employees like slaves. They even took out life insurance policies on them (unbeknownst to the employees). Start buying older cars that do not have all the computer system mumbo jumbo stuff that is set to break down on you after so many years (look up “planned obsolescence”). Pre OBD 1 is choice (before computers), before your car was configured to ‘rat’ on you. Also avoid ONSTAR set ups, because they eaves drop. Someone we knew said they and their grandson were chatting, and the grandson was talking about the WTC planes and said “9 eleven”, and a voice suddenly comes on and asks them if they need help- a live voice.  Even though older cars do have issues and need repairs, at least you aren’t being hooked into monthly payments, forced to have full coverage insurance and all that fun stuff.

Stop going for “smart”, which is just a lame psy-ops for hooking you into the dumb-down effect.

3 thoughts on “The Danger of Block Chain”

  1. Yes, very informative. Just look at Steemit, a supposedly uncensored platform. They “reward” users who “behave”, while punishing users who may say things that they perceive as “negative”. And, just like the ultra-controlling Chinese government, they give you a “rating”, the equivalent of China’s “social score”; which, exactly like that, can go up or down depending on your “community behaviour”! I have written about it on Steemit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I shall check it out.
      When you get down to it, it’s all about control, control of us, not of them. Not to digress (which I do all the time), but the “Age of Aquarius” is upon us. Now, with astrology Aquarians can have a lot of good points, but their one negative trait is they want to be in control, and don’t want others knowing what they are doing. Sounds like the Big Brother/666/NWO government, doesn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. While I reject all astrology based on the fact that God hates all witchcraft, the way you describe them does indeed sound like the NWO et al. It IS all about control; and my opinion is that its the “jews” perpetrating the devil’s agenda, having crucified Christ, but not succeeding in that. The goal is to eradicate all Christianity, which Satan hates because it reminds him of the Creator God who kicked him out of heaven for his rebellion and pride.


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